【同义词辨析】 2018-01-31 贬低derogatory-pejorative
derogatory: applies to expressions that detract or belittle a thing by sugesting something discreditable: does not consider the word 'politician' a ~ term.
depreciatory: is applied to what tends to lower a thing in value or status: her habit of referring to human body in the most ~ of ways.
disparaging: implies depreciating by the use of oblique or indirect methods: a ~ look at some pupolar heroes.
slighting: implies mild disparagement, indifference and even scorn: made brief but ~ references to other candicates in the race.
pejorative: is applied particularly to a word whose basic meaning has been given a deragatory twist: 'egghead' is a ~ term for intellectual.
derogatory贬低: 泛指贬低轻视, depreciatory贬损: 相同,但暗示可能不公平,disparaging: 侧面间接, slighting: 有些轻蔑, pejorative: 通过本意曲解来贬低
记忆方法: 1)首字母DDDSP想成SP DDD, 水平低低低<==被贬低
2)贬低的意思是轻视mean designed or tending to belittle.